VSCode Tricks for Web Development

Select Everything in the Outer HTML Element

Selecting Everything Between the Outer HTML tags
Selecting Everything Between the Outer HTML tags

There is no shortcut for this by default but we can create one with the following steps:

  1. Hit Ctrl + K and then Ctrl + S to bring up the keyboard shortcuts.
  2. Click this button to open the shortcut settings in JSON,

  3. Add the following inside the root level array:
        "key": "ctrl+shift+a",
        "command": "editor.emmet.action.balanceOut"

Now you can select the contents of the outer element in the DOM with the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + A.

Move the Selected Rows (or the Row of the Cursor) Up and Down

Move the Selected Rows Up and Down
Move the Selected Rows Up and Down

Use the shortcuts Alt + Up or Alt + Down to move the current row where the cursor is, or the rows of the selection up and down.