Tag Archives: Ubuntu
Troubleshooting Web Applications Deployed with CapRover in Docker Containers
Jump into the terminal of a CapRover app named testapp. Use Ctrl + P, then Ctrl + Q to exit that terminal without killing the container. Logs of the deployed application (–follow keeps retrieving the latest events): CapRover logs: Logs for Docker itself (if your application keeps getting respawned in new containers, the answer may…
How to Deploy/Migrate Web Apps to AWS EC2
This post is also published on the Medium publication Better Programming. See my post there. Move your apps from Heroku by setting up a continuous deployment workflow for your Python and PHP web apps Heroku is deprecating its free tiers for deploying web apps by Nov 28, 2022. If you have many low-traffic portfolio projects…
How to Use ddclient to Update Dynamic DNS Settings on Google Domains
If you are running a web server, VPN, or any other device at home which you want to access over the internet using a domain or subdomain name, you either need a static IP address (which many ISPs do not provide or charge extra for) or you will need a Dynamic DNS setup that changes your DNS records every time your IP address changes.
How to Mount a Windows Network Drive On Boot as Systemd Service on Ubuntu
Assuming you want to mount to /home/username/files, create a file matching the name of your local directory where you want to mount to as below: Its content should be the following with the remote (assuming you want 755 file permissions): Then create another file with the same name but with automount extension: Add this…
Mounting a Network Drive (SMB) on Ubuntu
You can mount a shared folder on Windows to a Linux machine with smbclient: Assuming the documents folder is shared with Windows user james on the Windows machine at, it can be mounted on the filesFromWindows directory of user ubuntu’s home directory: If you get an error saying “mount: /home/ubuntu/filesFromWindows/: cannot mount // read-only.”,…
How to Solve “add-apt-repository: command not found” Problem
The add-apt-repository command is part of package software-properties-common so we need to install this package:
How to Solve the “Unable to connect to VNC Server using your chosen security setting.” Error on VNC Connection Attempt
When you are trying to connect to Gnome’s screen sharing feature with a VNC client, if you get this error message, disable the encrypted connection setting with: Note: VNC is not a secure connection, even with encryption, unless used with SSH tunnelling! Encryption only encrypts the passwords sent, it does not encrypt the traffic (source).
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Can’t Enable Screen Sharing
This happens if the internet connection is shown as “unmanaged“. So you need to edit this file to make it “managed“: Change managed=false to true. Then restart the network-manager: Make sure network is managed by network-manager: Apply changes Then reboot.
How to Install Ubuntu Desktop Components (and to check if you have them)
When you install Ubuntu with Raspberry PI Imager, the installed image doesn’t come with Ubuntu desktop components. You can check if your Ubuntu installation has them by this command: If you see the following, you don’t have them: You can install them by:
Gnome Extensions I Like
Bluetooth Quick Connect See and connect to Bluetooth devices in the control panel dropdown. Sound Output Device Chooser Allows you to quickly switch between speakers and Bluetooth headphones. Open Weather Shows the weather on the Taskbar.