Tag Archives: Data Science
Installing GeoPandas with Its Dependencies, without installing Microsoft Visual C++
The Problem If you try to install GeoPandas with pip install geopandas, you may get an error like below. Since you don’t have the dependency GDAL installed, the installer cannot find the config and exits. Then you try installing gdal with pip install gdal and you get another error saying: The Solution Christoph Gohlke from…
How to Create HTML and PDF Files from Jupyter Notebooks
Converting to HTML You can convert the notebook named test.ipynb to HTML using the following command: Converting to PDF You can convert the notebook named test.ipynb to PDF using the following command: If you get an error saying “Please check that pandoc is installed”, you’ll need to install it by: Hiding the Code If you…
Data Sources for Data Science Projects
1. UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository They provide ~600 datasets for machine learning applications. 2. Airbnb They provide datasets by cities that include pricing, listing details, reviews. 3. Zillow Housing Data Zillow provides their “typical home value” measures by region and housing types. They also provide a forecast dataset.